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About our Squadron

Squadron History

On June 14, 1941 W.W. Ireland, of the Model Aircraft League of Edmonton, wrote to the newly formed Air Cadet League for further information about Air Cadets. A group of prominent Edmonton businessmen, led by W.H.W Brookes, were looking at starting a committee of Air Cadets in Edmonton. This was the start of 12 Edmonton Squadron and of Air Cadets in Edmonton.

12 Edmonton Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron received its official Charter on the 24 September, 1941. The Sqn has been in continuous operation ever since. Though the Squadron has operated in various locations throughout Edmonton over the years, the unit has currently operated out of 6770 129 Ave NW since the 2015-2016 training year. Space is shared between the 12 Edmonton RCACs and the 2051 19th Alberta Dragoons Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps. 



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